Transforming Lives Through
Restorative Justice
Welcome to Broken Chains Ministry. Our mission is to improve public safety and support the local economy by reducing recidivism through faith-centered Restorative Justice programs.
Our Programs
Our award-winning workforce development program, Urbean Cafe has contributed more than $8.5 million in economic impact since 2011and helped more than 160 employees succeed.*
Lydia’s Home, our residential recovery program for women in the City of Green, is helping women transform their lives.
Our outreach and mentoring programs share the love of God with formerly-incarcerated citizens and connect them with faith communities.
Restorative Justice Impact
$8.5 million in regional economic impact.
$2.5 million invested in Summit County correctional facilities.
80,000 Chaplain assistance responses.
60,000 Bibles, New Testaments, and spiritual references distributed.
20,000 Volunteer hours (in-person & virtual).
19,000 Chaplain and volunteer visits.
1,500 Bible study sessions & chapel services.
300 Discipleship Program graduates.
160 Urbean Cafe program employees.
GuideStar Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency
Broken Chains Ministry has earned the GuideStar Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency. This is the highest seal of transparency awarded to a nonprofit.
Candid is a GuideStar nonprofit that focuses on governance and accountability for nonprofits. It helps oversee validation and compliance, monitor ongoing nonprofit status, and understand operational strength.
Restorative Justice
Our mission is based upon Restorative Justice which includes a collaborative relationship with the judicial system that improves public safety and saves taxpayer dollars while supporting clients through faith-centered recovery, workforce development, restitution, and accountability.
Our Five Pillars
Faith-centered Programs & Education.
Workforce Development.
Identity Restoration.
For hundreds of people in our community, our ministry has truly been the bridge to a new life. Learn about our mission and social impact.
Take Action
Learn how you can give, or become a partner, mentor, donor or volunteer, join our prayer team, join our email list, or contribute to our Wish List.