Urbean cafe workforce development program

Located at the Robert K. Pfaff Metro Transit Center at 631 South Broadway St. in Akron, Urbean Cafe provides a unique workforce development program for formerly-incarcerated citizens.

We have a full menu with prices that can’t be beat. Visit us 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday for some of the best coffee and cafe-style food in town.

The Urbean Café has contributed more than $10 million in economic impact to Summit County, provided workforce development for more than 160 citizens, and saved Ohioans more than $5 million in direct costs since 2011.

Urbean Cafe Menu


Economic impact

The average recidivism rate for former offenders is 43% within one year, and around 82% within the first 10 years of release. But, for Urbean Cafe participants of 90 days or more, it’s less than 2% – saving Ohio taxpayers an average of $26,000 per year for every empty state penitentiary bed.

20th Anniversary Highlights, 2024

  • Exceeded $10 Million in economic impact to Summit County since 2011.

  • Saved $5 million taxpayer dollars.

  • 160 men and women employed.

  • Less than 2% recidivism rate.

“I’ve made new friends, and I look at it as more of a family now. They’re positive.”

- Jessica

Urbean Cafe Employees

  • Develop hard and soft skills needed for steady employment.

  • Give back to the community through stable employment.

  • Maintain housing, utilities, transportation, and insurance.

  • Pay restitution, including fines, court costs and child support.

  • Establish and maintain bank accounts and credit.

  • Contribute to federal, state, and local income taxes.

  • Maintain identification and drivers licenses.

“I lost a job through some problems, a job I had for 18 years…the Urbean Cafe has helped to stabilize my life.”
—  Tide

Skill Building

  • Customer service skills.

  • Time and business management skills.

  • Budget, money management, and accounting skills.

  • Team building and conflict resolution and skills.

  • Organizational skills.

“When I came to Broken Chains Ministry, not only did they help me with a job, but they became like family to me…a better family than I had ever had.”
— Laura